business formations & transactions

business formations

We are experienced in forming LLCs (limited liability companies), corporations, and partnerships, and will be happy to discuss with you the pros and cons of each of the entity types.

 LLCs and corporations are important for purposes of centralized management and limited liability, and LLCs usually are excellent vehicles for businesses, family real estate (agricultural land, vacation home, recreational land, etc.), investment real estate, and other purposes.

business acquisitions, mergers, & sales

We can provide valuable assistance in the purchase of a business, the merger of businesses or entities, and the sale of businesses.

Family Limited Liability Companies & business succession planning

Formation of limited liability companies to facilitate long-term centralized ownership and management of significant assets (such as farms, timber land, mineral royalties, a vacation home, and rental properties) intended to “stay in the family” can be an important part of an estate plan. Additionally, planning for the next generation to take over a family business is a delicate but important part of an estate plan.